Selective Mutism

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Who we are

We are on a mission to raise awareness, to provide resources, and to recommend options for selective mutism related topics. Provide a common ground where people with SM from all over the world can network and support one another. Foster and generate resources for clinical and research funding opportunities

What we've accomplished so far:

  • Helped many children regain their voices
  • Provided parents with selective mutism related parenting strategies
  • Lead and conducted research and studies on selective mutism
  • Provided specific pedagogical approaches for educators who work with children with selective mutism
  • Provided sound advice to professionals including mental health agencies, Speech Language Pathologist, psychologists, pediatricians, and SM therapists on how to best address selective mutism
  • Advocated for SM victims of sexual violence

Selective Mutism is an under-researched, little known anxiety disorder that affect all ages.

Selective Mutism (SM) is best described as a phobia of being heard or seen speaking. People with SM are able to speak perfectly with individuals that they are comfortable, but are often unable to speak normally in other social settings.

SMF originated from a family in which all three children suffered from selective mutism. Due to a lack of awareness, no one was able to help these children while mother Poling Bork was desperately and helplessly watching her children suffer in silence.

With a sheer determination and a strong impulse to find a resolution, she embarked on a long, daunting, yet rewarding journey which resulted in the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to help her children overcome selective mutism.

How we can help

SM Workshops | Coaches | SM Reseach

We offer a variety of services, such as weekly drop-in group coaching services and consultations available for school personnel, families, and more. We encourage researchers, budding researchers, and or individuals who are interested in learning more about SM and wish to collaborate on research studies to attend our empirical research workshop.

We also use this platform to connect families with coaches who have personally experienced SM, either themselves or through a loved one. If you or someone you know is looking for a coach to guide their family through their SM journey, feel free to look through the list of coaches available at SMF.

SMF is proud to present our book: VOCAL

Within 2 years, VOCAL has touched SM communities worldwide and has been translated into 8 languages. This book may change your child’s life in the matter of hours! Get a copy today as part of the proceed from will go toward Selective Mutism Foundation!

How you can help us

Support SMF

If you’re interested in supporting the Selective Mutism Foundation’s mission to save one child’s voice at a time. Join us in increasing the awareness of Selective Mutism by telling your friends and family about SMF and connect with us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and facebook.

Encourage those impacted by SM to reach out to us now!